
Property Maintenance


Letting agents

Many landlords and tenants tend to forget about regular maintenance including minor repairs, for example a minor problem such as a blocked gutter can often lead to major water ingress and subsequent major repairs. Good maintenance practise will ensure that the building performs well, whilst remaining in a good state of repair.


There are three types of maintenance:

Reactive Maintenance

This covers the unknown factors in building maintenance. Even if an effective maintenance plan exists you will always have the unexpected problem, which requires immediate action, for example burst pipes. However this type of problem can be planned for, and ProServe  Property Maintenance offers a 24 hour call out service to ensure that this type of maintenance is catered for.

Planned Maintenance

This covers maintenance items, which are identified in sufficient time for them to be costed and programmed into a plan of works, which can be scheduled over a predetermined period e.g. 1 year, 5 years or 10 years.

This can also be used to comply with changes in Legislation such as the building possibly having to comply with Disability Discrimination Act 1995 in early 2004.

Redecoration of interior rooms, corridors and stairs are a good example, these require attention but can be fitted into a programme allowing for more important work to take precedence if required.

This area can be subject to budget pressures and occasionally decisions have to be made, but Landlords and Tenants must remember the need to cover Health & Safety issues.

Cyclical Maintenance

This is work, which can be specified and completed at predetermined periods. It is a proactive form of maintenance e.g. treatment of external timber and servicing of lifts, which can be carried out to cause the least inconvenience.

This would be done in the form of 3 monthly inspections and can identify the following:


Current and potential health & safety issues

Maintenance work before it is reported by the user

Work required in the next budget period


ProServe Property Maintenance are able to inspect all types of buildings and give advice and write planned programmes for all types of maintenance.

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